hassle-free tax season with Xibo

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“There’s a way to do it better—find it.” – Thomas Edison (the inventor of electricity).

Humankind are an ingenious breed. How we build and use tools truly distinguish us as humans, and allow us to advance in new and imaginative ways.

From rudimentary sharpened stones to superior bows and arrows, our early ancestors were already producing tools to optimise efficiencies in their lives.

Today, huge strides in technology have given rise to a spectacular array of innovations, including smart phones, lunar probes and quantum networks.

The accountancy sector, on the other hand, hasn’t quite evolved and changed a whole lot. Accountants still spend long hours tethered to their desks navigating complex regulations and getting bogged down by data—even while using modern accounting software.

In the midst of such operating inefficiencies, small business owners who outsource their accounting, find themselves paying fees that are grossly disproportionate to revenues.

So, is there a “better way” for small businesses, already grappling with resource and budget constraints, to manage their cash flow?

Enter Counto—a new-age bookkeeping and tax service for small businesses and startups using artificial intelligence (AI). Powered by a deep learning engine that does most of the work of a traditional accountant, our technology can take care of your finances in the most cost-efficient way.

It takes an extraordinary amount of resources to establish and run a successful business—we get it. As such, Counto unlimited transactions bookkeeping plans move in tandem with your revenue. Simply put, we are built to scale with you.

After all, there’s nothing better than seeing every dollar you save flow back to your bottom line and expansion plans. Now, that’s totally a scenario even Thomas Edison would approve of!


Try Counto for free. We’ll do one month of your bookkeeping and prepare a set of financial statements for you to keep. Contact us today!

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