
Legal Ways for Directors to Withdraw Money from Singapore Companies

Understanding how a director can legally withdraw funds from a private limited company is crucial for both financial management and regulatory compliance. At Counto, we’ve compiled this comprehensive guide to help you navigate the intricacies of director withdrawals, ensuring you make informed decisions that benefit both you and your company.

Key Takeaways:

  • Explore multiple methods for director withdrawals, including salary, fees, dividends, and loans
  • Understand the tax implications and compliance requirements for each withdrawal method
  • Learn how to optimise your withdrawals for tax efficiency and business growth

1. Director’s Salary: The Straightforward Approach

One of the most common methods for directors to withdraw funds is through a regular salary. Here’s what you need to know:

i) Tax Treatment: Salaries are tax-deductible for the company but taxable for the individual.

ii) CPF Compliance: Mandatory for resident directors, but not applicable for non-residents.

iii) Timing Options:

  • Monthly payments with regular CPF submissions
  • Annual lump sum (reported as Additional Wage)

Pro Tip: Consider your overall tax situation when determining salary levels.

2. Director’s Fees: Flexible Compensation without CPF

Director’s fees offer a flexible alternative to salaries:

  • Approval Process: Requires board resolution
  • Tax Implications: Tax-deductible for the company, taxable for the director
  • CPF Exemption: No CPF contributions required
  • Payment Schedule: Can be monthly or annual, as specified in the board resolution

Tax-Efficient Tip: For Singapore resident directors not receiving any other form of payment from a profitable company and with no other personal income, consider taking out S$20,000 as director’s fees. This amount is not subject to individual tax and can help reduce the company’s taxable profit.

Best Practice: Clearly define the fee structure in your board resolution to ensure compliance.

✅ Navigating director withdrawals can be complex, but you don’t have to do it alone. Our accounting team at Counto specialises in:

  • Tax optimisation and compliance management
  • Ongoing financial advice and support

3. Dividends: Tax-Efficient Profit Distribution

For profitable private limited companies, dividends can be an excellent withdrawal method:

  • Eligibility: Only from company profits after corporate tax
  • Tax Efficiency: Tax-free for directors in Singapore
  • Declaration Process: Must be officially declared in board meetings with proper documentation

Strategic Insight: Compare dividend tax efficiency with salary options based on your company’s profitability and personal tax situation.

4. Reimbursement of Expenses: Covering Business Costs

Claiming legitimate business expenses is a straightforward way to cover costs:

  • Eligible Expenses: Business mileage, equipment, travel costs, etc.
  • Tax Treatment: Non-taxable for directors, tax-deductible for the company
  • Documentation: Maintain detailed records and receipts for all claims

Compliance Tip: Ensure all claimed expenses are strictly for business purposes to avoid scrutiny.

5. Director’s Loan: A Flexible Financing Option

Loans can provide quick access to funds, but come with considerations:

  • EPC Status: Easier process for Exempt Private Companies (EPCs)
  • Documentation: Non-EPCs require board resolutions detailing loan terms
  • Repayment: Ideally within the financial year to avoid complications

Cautionary Note: Carefully manage loan accounts to maintain positive balances in financial statements.

6. Consultancy Fees: Leveraging Expertise

For directors providing specialised services beyond their directorial role:

  • Eligibility: Based on specific expertise or qualifications
  • Tax Treatment: Taxable for the director, tax-deductible for the company
  • Compliance: Ensure clear distinction from regular directorial duties to avoid tax avoidance concerns

Strategic Use: Ideal for compensating directors for specific projects or expertise.

Best Approach for Directors To Take Money Out Of A Private Limited Company 

To make the most of these options, consider the following:

i) Annual Planning: Assess your company’s financial position and personal tax situation at the start of each year.

ii) Tax Efficiency: Compare effective tax rates of different withdrawal methods.

iii) Compliance First: Ensure all withdrawals are properly documented and reported.

iv) Balanced Approach: Combine methods to optimise tax efficiency and meet personal financial needs.


Remember, the right way to withdraw money from a private limited company can significantly impact both your personal finances and your company’s growth. Stay informed, plan strategically, and seek expert advice to make the most of your hard-earned success.

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Counto is the trusted provider of accounting, tax preparation and CFO services for startups and SMEs. Get accounting plans that combine bookkeeping with corporate tax filing to help you stay compliant at an affordable price. To learn more, speak to us directly on our chatbot, email us at [email protected], or contact us using this form.


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