
Related Party Transactions: Effective Management for Singapore’s SMEs

In the world of business, especially for small enterprises, the concept of related parties is crucial but often misunderstood. Recognising and correctly managing transactions with related parties can help maintain transparency, ensure compliance with regulations, and avoid potential conflicts of interest. In this blog post, we’ll explore what related parties are, why they matter, and how small businesses can manage these relationships effectively.

What Are Related Parties?

Related parties are individuals or entities that have a close relationship with the business or its owners. These relationships can impact how transactions are conducted and reported. Common examples of related parties include:

  • Family Members: Spouses, children, and other relatives of the business owners.
  • Business Partners: Individuals or entities with significant influence over the business, such as shareholders, directors, or executives.
  • Affiliated Companies: Companies that are under common control or significant influence with the business, including subsidiaries, parent companies, or joint ventures.

Why Related Parties Matter?

  • Regulatory Compliance: Many jurisdictions require disclosure of related party transactions to ensure transparency and prevent fraud. These transactions must be conducted at arm’s length—priced and conducted as if they were between unrelated parties.
  • Financial Reporting: Transactions with related parties need to be disclosed in financial statements. This is crucial for accurate reporting and for stakeholders to understand the true financial position of the business. Failing to properly disclose related party transactions can lead to misinterpretation of financial health and potential legal issues.
  • Conflict of Interest: Transactions between related parties can sometimes be influenced by personal interests rather than business considerations. This can lead to conflicts of interest and affect the fairness of business operations. Properly documenting and justifying these transactions helps mitigate such risks.
  • Tax Implications: Related party transactions can have tax implications, especially if they are not conducted at market value. Tax authorities scrutinise these transactions to ensure that they are not used to manipulate taxable income or evade taxes.

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Managing Related Party Transactions

  • Document Transactions Clearly: Keep thorough records of all transactions involving related parties. This documentation should include details on the nature of the transaction, terms, and conditions, as well as how the pricing was determined.
  • Implement Robust Policies: Establish clear policies and procedures for handling related party transactions. This should include guidelines for approving transactions, assessing fairness, and ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Disclose Transactions Transparently: Ensure that all related party transactions are disclosed in your financial statements as required. This transparency helps build trust with stakeholders and regulators.
  • Seek Professional Advice: Consulting with accounting and legal professionals can provide valuable insights and help navigate the complexities of related party transactions. They can assist with compliance, documentation, and ensuring that transactions are conducted at arm’s length.
  • Regularly Review Relationships: Periodically review your related party relationships and transactions to ensure ongoing compliance and to address any potential conflicts of interest.


Understanding and managing related party transactions is essential for maintaining the integrity of your business operations and ensuring regulatory compliance. By documenting transactions clearly, implementing robust policies, and seeking professional advice, small businesses can navigate the complexities of related party relationships effectively. This not only helps in maintaining transparency but also in fostering trust with stakeholders and ensuring the long-term success of your business.

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