
The Great Compression: AI’s Radical Rebirth of Work

Earlier this year, we at Counto came to a profound realisation: we are in the midst of the Great Compression. This era is characterised by the rapid integration of AI agents, poised to replace up to 90% of service workers within the business processes they currently drive. This transformation is not just a technological shift but a fundamental change that will reshape industries, economies, and the very nature of work.

The Dawn of AI-Driven Business Processes

The Great Compression signifies the accelerated replacement of human labour in service sectors by AI agents. This change is not happening in isolation. It is accompanied by a massive consolidation of the fragmented SaaS (Software as a Service) landscape that has become deeply embedded in these business processes.

The traditional model of multiple, disjointed SaaS applications serving various functions within a company is evolving. The new paradigm is an integrated, composite AI agent-embedded SaaS stack that spans entire departments and functions.

The Composite AI Agent-Embedded SaaS Stack

As AI agents take over more responsibilities, the structure of business software will inevitably change. Rather than having numerous separate applications, the emerging model will feature unified AI-driven platforms that manage comprehensive workflows across departments. This integration will not only streamline operations but also enhance efficiency and decision-making.

At Counto, we are at the forefront of this transformation. Our commitment to owning our entire technology stack positions us uniquely to adapt and lead in this new era. By rapidly iterating and integrating AI into our services, we are preparing for a future where AI agents manage the bulk of our operations. This approach enables us to deliver higher value to our clients by offering more efficient, accurate, and cost-effective solutions.

Building AI Agents for Every Function

Our vision is ambitious: we are developing AI agents for every function our people currently perform. From bookkeeping and accounting to taxes, payroll, and corporate secretarial tasks, our goal is to embed AI into every aspect of our stack. This strategy is not merely about replacing human workers with machines but about enhancing our capabilities and scaling our services to meet the growing demands of our clients.

For instance, Counto’s AI.TaxAssist will revolutionise corporate tax filing by ensuring compliance and optimising tax strategies with unprecedented precision; AI.Payroll will manage end-to-end payroll solutions, reducing errors and freeing up valuable time for HR professionals; AI.Corpsec will handle corporate secretarial work with meticulous attention to detail, while BillPay will streamline bill payment and expense management, enhancing financial oversight and control.

Riding the Wave or Getting Eaten

The pace of change is relentless. As we build these AI agents and integrate them into our operations, we are acutely aware of the stakes. Whether we ride this wave of transformation or get eaten by it remains an open question. This is evolution on nitro, and there is no room for complacency.

Our proactive approach is driven by a recognition that the Great Compression is not a distant future but a present reality. We are preparing for a world where AI is not just an add-on but the core of our business processes. By embracing this change and leading the way, we aim to ensure that Counto remains at the cutting edge of the industry.

The Future of Work and Business

The implications of the Great Compression extend beyond individual companies. Entire industries will need to adapt to this new reality. The nature of work will change, with AI taking on more routine and complex tasks, freeing humans to focus on strategic, creative, and interpersonal roles. Companies that fail to adapt will find themselves at a significant disadvantage.

In conclusion, the era of the Great Compression is upon us, and at Counto, we are embracing this transformation with open arms. By building AI agents for every function within our stack and integrating them into our services, we are positioning ourselves to thrive in this new landscape. It is a time of unprecedented change and opportunity, and we are committed to riding this wave to new heights of innovation and success.

Experience the Counto advantage

Counto is the trusted provider of accounting, tax preparation and CFO services for startups and SMEs. Get accounting plans that combine bookkeeping with corporate tax filing to help you stay compliant at an affordable price. To learn more, speak to us directly on our chatbot, email us at [email protected], or contact us using this form.


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